What is digital printing

What is digital printing

29 Apr 2021

Digital printing is the printing of computer fi Les directly onto paper and is a brand new way of printing different from the traditional cumbersome process of printing.Its features: one print out, no need for plate printing, libitum is desirable, immediate error correction, variable printing, print on demand.Digital printing is an integrated technology developed on the basis of printing technology, using electronic text as a carrier to deliver to digital printing devices through the network to achieve direct printing.Plate free and variable information in the printing production process is the most characteristic, which covers many technical fields, such as printing, electronics, computers, networks, and communications.
The information of the digital prints was achieved with 100% variability.
Digital printing is the process by which digital information is directly converted into print using a digital printing system.Digital manuscripts can be digital files that are well processed by digital preprint systems or can be sourced from networks, digital media.
Digital printing enables print output to be achieved at any time and remotely without time space restrictions.