Digital printing | How to save the cost of album printing?

Digital printing | How to save the cost of album printing?

25 May 2021

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How to save the cost of album printing? With the sharp rise in prices, the cost of album printing also rises. So, how can we save the cost of album printing? First of all, we should design the layout reasonably. When designing a text manuscript, the size of the text font, the density between lines, the width of the blank space around, and the occupied and empty lines of the title are all related to the cost of the album. In the number of plates, paper, binding and other aspects, we may reduce the cost of album printing. Of course, you can also save paper materials as much as possible to reduce the cost of album. Secondly, we should reasonably determine the cover size.
When designing the cover of picture album printing, it should be designed according to the size of the finished book, the thickness of the spine and the size of the mouth. When designing the mouth size, the mouth can be slightly larger, most of which are more than 30mm, without wasting paper for printing. However, some cover designers do not understand the paper size, opening number and printing machine performance. When designing the cover, they do not fix the size of the mouth randomly according to the opening number of the paper. After plate making, they often do not meet the requirements of the opening number of the paper size, resulting in waste. In addition, most of the album printing covers need to be coated after printing, which increases the cost of coating. The design of some covers and front and back rings is relatively simple, only a few spot colors can be printed, and the printing quantity is not large. When making plates, we can consider making copper zinc plates. Printing can be done by plate machine. Because picture book printing is a single sheet printing, it can be printed by blooming, or by cutting residual paper into sheets. This can improve the utilization of paper, plate album printing costs can be reduced.
Finally, reasonable choice of binding materials. When choosing the materials for hardcover cover, we should control the use of leather, cotton, hemp, silk, wool and other fabrics, and try to use tough paper, lacquer paper or lacquer cloth instead. Except for special needs, we should try to avoid using real gold foil as hot stamping material, and use electrochemical aluminum and color chips instead, so as to reduce the printing cost of picture album. The above is the cost saving information of album printing. For more information, please pay attention to Jinma Tianhe printing!